Wednesday 7 June 2017

Hospital visits

What a week, and it's only Wednesday!
Monday I had to see the knee consultant at Three Shires Hospital about my dodgy new knee, but he assured me everything was okay, just swelling of the knee tissue which could take another six months to calm down. The straight leg and bend were better than he hoped! "See me in 6 months".

Tuesday Chris went into Northampton General Hospital for removal of his gall bladder. I dropped him at Admissions at 7.30am, spent the morning worrying about him, especially after the previous two appointments had been cancelled. I called at 11.45am to be told he was just out of surgery, please call again around 1.30pm.  At 1.30pm I called and was told to come and pick him up, I was amazed he could come home so soon. As soon as we got home he went to bed and slept until 6am this morning. He now has a list of things he cannot do, including driving, lifting, vacuuming, lawn mowing and ironing [ I don't think he knows we even have an iron!]. I intend to keep my eye on him!

While he was in hospital to keep my mind active and away from comfort chocolate [I did succumb to this!] I made a Linus quilt from a pile of 4" and 2.5" pieces of fabric I found during my sort out.
Found during my tidy up

Sewn together in rows, then safety pinned fleece to the back.
Using my wavy ruler drew lines with a Frixon pen from top to bottom and side to side.
This is an easy way to quilt as there is no turning of the quilt in the sewing machine,
just wiggly down the rows and then iron off the Frixon marks.

Final step I cut 3" binding [ wider than normal]
folded in half and sewed it down by machine on both sides.
BINGO a complete quilt in a morning

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